Life-saving bleed control kits have been distributed in Great Dunmow as part of a county-wide roll-out.

The new kits, which can be found at the Black Lion pub, Dunmow Convenience Store and Stansted Great Dunmow Hotel, contain equipment needed to stem life-threatening bleeding until emergency services arrive, including a tourniquet and trauma gauze.

Anti-knife crime campaigner Julie Taylor set up the bleed kits alongside Cllr Louise McKinlay, deputy leader and cabinet member for levelling up, communities and business engagement at Essex County Council.

Julie's grandson, Liam, was tragically killed in Writtle in 2020, at the age of 19.

In his memory, Julie set up The Liam Taylor Legacy, which raises money to fund and distribute bleed kits across the county.

Julie said: "While I hope they don’t need to be used, it is important that people know where their nearest bleed control kits are and what to do should an incident occur.

"These kits really could be the difference between life and death."

Two more bleed kits will be installed in the town at a later date, and the county council looks to distribute the remaining 55 bleed kits across the rest of Essex over the next few months.

Uttlesford was chosen as the first district to receive the council-funded kits to support residents living in remote rural areas.

Councillor McKinlay said: "It is vital that residents living in rural locations, including communities in Uttlesford, have easy and unfettered access to bleed control kits.

"I urge local people to find out where their nearest kit is and for businesses to make people aware they have one, as they can really make a difference in emergency situations.

"Knowing this could help save a life."


Other venues in Essex which will receive bleed kits include shops, pubs, schools and Billericay Town Football Club.

Essex County Council has also recently launched a £100,000 Community Safety Initiatives Fund as part of their ongoing community safety work.

Groups can apply for grant funding to invest in initiatives that promote public safety, aiming to benefit communities and address issues around violence and vulnerability.