The Rodings Friendship Club recently held their annual strawberry tea at Leaden Roding Village Hall.

On Wednesday, June 26, 60 members of the group sat down and enjoyed sandwiches as well as strawberries and scones with jam and clotted cream.

The club's chair Jackie Eldridge arranged for her daughters Nicky and Jacqueline - who are involved with the Black Bull in Fyfield - to provide the strawberries, scones and cream.


Jacqueline, along with members Barbara Warton, Audrey and Mick Shead, Val Beckwith and Brian Hockley, set up the tables and served the tea, while Barbara made the table decorations.

Brian organised the raffle, which raised £146 - with another £75 raised through donations.

The group's next outing is to Bekonscot Model Village on July 24.