It was a privilege and an honour to have been re-elected to represent the residents of North West Essex again, and I will do so with renewed vigour and energy.

I am determined to build on the progress we’ve made so far locally - be that working to progress the delivery of Beaulieu Park Station, securing fair and adequate SEND funding for our local schools, pushing for more police officers to tackle antisocial behaviour, guaranteeing investment in our GPs and local hospitals or standing up for our rural communities.

I will continue, as always, to represent the best interests of everyone whether or not they voted for me.

Having travelled up and down the constituency and the wider country during the course of the election campaign, it was clear that many have lost trust in politics. The work now begins to restore that trust and continue to deliver for our communities.

As recently appointed Shadow Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, I will be holding the government to account on the promises they made to the electorate in opposition.

I have emphasised many times that Government is about to making difficult decisions.

The Conservatives have a record of delivery on building homes whilst protecting the green belt, making sure communities are still heard, ensuring affordable housing is built and infrastructure to support it.

But the detail of how Labour plan to build 1.5 million homes in this Parliament, bypass local communities on key infrastructure projects and ignore local concerns is yet to materialise.

I can assure you I will be firmly holding them to account on these areas, amongst many others.

It has been a busy few weeks with lots of change here in Parliament, and work has already begun helping constituents who have been getting in touch.

So as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at