Children at Thaxted Primary School are fundraising so they can continue to receive sports training.

For the last two years, pupils have had two days of sports instruction from a specialist sports coach, but are no longer able to continue with this provision due to funding cuts.

A spokesperson for the school said:  "Under these lessons children have flourished and started to enjoy new sports which they had not had the opportunity to try before.

"This has been especially beneficial to the children who are less academic but have other talents, such as sport.

"Please support Thaxted Primary School’s efforts to improve their fitness and to raise enough funding to continue with this amazing provision.

"Rather than give up, and in order to support children with these fantastic opportunities, we have decided to try and fundraise."

Donations to help the school continue with the training can be made at


To raise the money, pupils at the school will be challenged to run at least one mile a week, which is 14 laps of the playground.

With 250 children in the school, this is 3,500 laps of the playground a week - or more than 133,000 in a year.

Thaxted Primary School was recently awarded the Platinum Sports Mark - demonstrating how important sport is to both pupils and staff at the school.