Students in Great Dunmow are celebrating their results for A-levels and vocational qualifications today (Thursday, August 15).

Check back throughout the day for results as they come in!

Helena Romanes

Sixth formers at Helena Romanes are celebrating "excellent" A-level and BTEC results this year.

Among those who received their results today were Benedict, who received AAA in geography, maths and physics, and Alyce, who received A*AA in religious studies, law and English and will go on to read law at Cardiff University.

Alyce achieved A*AA in her A-levelsAlyce achieved A*AA in her A-levels (Image: Helena Romanes School)

William received ABB for religious studies, geography and French, while Lola received ABB in dance, business and English.

Meanwhile Maisie, one of the school's head students, was awarded an A* in art - putting her in the top 10 per cent of results in the country - and a distinction in health and social care.

Maisie (Image: Helena Romanes School)

Anais received ABB in psychology, law and business, and George was awarded BBB in business, economics and psychology.

Lily was awarded a distinction in travel and tourism and Logan received a distinction in sport.

A-level student Nick, who will be going on to study ancient history at the University of Kent, said: "I’m really happy to be going to university and I’d like to thank all my teachers for all the support they’ve given me."

Will, one of the head students and a member of the National Youth Brass Band, received ABB and will be off to Sheffield University to study philosophy.

Will is off to Sheffield University to study philosophyWill is off to Sheffield University to study philosophy (Image: Helena Romanes School)

Danylo, who joined Helena Romanes two years ago from Ukraine, was praised for showing "resilience and commitment" in his studies and will be studying international relations at Coventry University.

Director of Sixth Form, Russell Milne said: "It has been wonderful to welcome our students back into school to collect their exam results and celebrate their success with them in person.

"Students have shown amazing strength and dedication to their studies to achieve some outstanding results.

"This cohort of students faced disruption in Year 8 and 9 as they prepared for their GCSE studies and also adapted GCSE exams, throughout their school life they have always risen to the occasion and shown tenacity and resilience.

"The Sixth Form team are extremely proud of all of our students and we wish them all the very best for the future as they move onto further study, training or employment."

Executive headteacher Catherine Davis said: "We are immensely proud of our students who have received excellent results.

"The fact that the students have achieved so highly is down to their hard work and determination and the academic and pastoral support they have received from staff.

"The students have been wonderful ambassadors for the school and we are exceptionally proud of each of them."


Felsted School is celebrating students' "exceptional achievements" in this year's A-level exams.

Sixty-three per cent of all grades awarded were a B or higher, and a third of all grades awarded were A or A*.

This year Felsted's top achievers were Ambrose Lusty with A*A*A*B and prefects Niamh Westwood and Toby Stringer, who both achieved A*A*A* and an A* for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

Ambrose Lusty celebrated excellent A-level resultsAmbrose Lusty celebrated excellent A-level results (Image: Felsted School)

Ambrose joined Felsted in Year 9 with a scholarship at Junior Guildhall, where he was principal percussionist and winner of the percussion prize.

At Felsted he was a member of the orchestra and percussion ensemble, was a member of both the Andrew and Roberts academic societies and captain of the winning house quiz team.

Ambrose will read natural sciences at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge from 2025, but will first take a gap year in Helsingør, Denmark and Latin America.

He said: "My best memory of Felsted is hanging out with friends.

"I hope that my gap year and university life will help guide me in the future to make a positive difference in the world."

Niamh joined Felsted in Year 10, played hockey, was captain of the netball team and a member of the sustainability committee.

Niamh Westwood celebrating her A-level results at Felsted SchoolNiamh Westwood celebrating her A-level results at Felsted School (Image: Felsted School)

She plans to go to Bath University to study biomedical sciences, including a year's placement, with a view to either going into the pharmaceutical industry or cancer research.

Niamh's highlights from her time at Felsted were being part of the U16 National Hockey winning team and creating a "family feeling" with the girls in her boarding house.

She said: "I’d really like to thank Felsted and my teachers for their support and guidance throughout."

Toby went to Felsted for 14 years, starting in reception. During his time at the school he was a member of the hockey team and completed grade 8 in saxophone, played in the Felsted jazz band and completed the gold Duke of Edinburgh award.

Toby Stringer has attended Felsted School for 14 yearsToby Stringer has attended Felsted School for 14 years (Image: Felsted School)

He now plans to take a gap year and do some work experience, before taking up a place at Exeter University to study conservation biology and ecology, with a view to a career in the conservation of large mammals.

Toby said: "I’ve loved my time at Felsted, but I do think all good things have to come to an end and I’m now ready to move on; I’m looking forward to my next adventure!"

Headteacher Chris Townsend said: "I am incredibly proud of the class of 2024 for the hard work and determination put into achieving their A-level results.

Felsted students celebrating their A-level results with headteacher Chris TownsendFelsted students celebrating their A-level results with headteacher Chris Townsend (Image: Felsted School)

"It is really encouraging to see so many Felstedians going off to some of the best universities around the world, as well as taking up some very exciting apprenticeship opportunities and others heading out directly into the workplace.

"We wish them every success as they embark on their next steps and look forward to seeing the positive difference they will make in the world."