A 17-year-old Felsted pupil is celebrating after securing her spot at her first-choice conservatoire and being named the school's Musician of the Year.

Kaylea, a pianist from Felsted School, has been offered a place to study music at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance.

She was also crowned the school's Musician of the Year for her performance of Liszt's 'Sposalizio'.

The competition saw 82 pupils aged 13 to 18 taking part, demonstrating their talents on a variety of instruments.

James Cairns, the event's adjudicator, said: "It was a truly enjoyable day of music, and I was hugely impressed by the quality of the pupils’ musicianship."

Kaylea, who started learning the piano at the age of seven, has clear ambitions for her future.

She said: "My goals for the future are to develop my skills in solo performance and to take part in international competitions.

"I would also like to become a collaborative pianist and form my own chamber group.

"One of my interests is in musical theatre and I am currently part of National Youth Music Theatre as a musician.

"I also aim to work with pit bands/orchestras in the West End theatres and would like to pursue a career as a musical director."

Alongside Kaylea, Tom, another Upper Sixth Form student, has also been offered a partial scholarship to Trinity Laban.

Dunmow Broadcast: Tom has been offered a partial scholarship to Trinity LabanTom has been offered a partial scholarship to Trinity Laban (Image: Felsted School)

During their time at Felsted, both pupils have been heavily involved in music. Kaylea is leader of the school orchestra, sings in the chapel choir, is part of chamber groups at school and has been a musician in the pit bands for Felsted productions including Beauty and the BeastMy Fair Lady and Oliver!

Meanwhile Tom is a member of Felsted's choir, orchestra and jazz band.


William Warns, Felsted's director of music, said: "I'm immensely proud of both Kaylea's and Tom's outstanding achievements."

"Their passion for music is infectious and their talent and dedication to musical excellence is a real source of inspiration for all."

Felsted School is renowned for its dedication to the arts, with two-thirds of pupils learning at least one musical instrument.